Diana Karklin
Undo Motherhood
Publication date: January 2022
Undo Motherhood
Publication date: January 2022Photobooks
Undo Motherhood explores the reasons why a significant number of women around the world today regret becoming mothers. The women in this project love their children and are excellent mothers when judged according to society’s standards, and yet they hate the oppressive mother role that robbed them of their own existence and suffer through it in silence, feeling it to be the worst mistake they have made.
Press release
Press release

About the book:
Diana Karklin
ISBN 9789053309506
Design: Diana Karklin in collaboration with UNDERBAU, Madrid
Published by Schilt Publishing & Gallery
7 separate paperback booklets in a slipcase, 17 x 22 cm, 340 Pages, 135 photographs
The Guardian
The Saturday Guardian newspaper (July 16-17, 2022) + Cover
The Guardian Weekly, July 22 2022
The British Journal of Photography
Vanity Fair Italy (in Italian)
Die Zeit (in German)
El País (in Spanish)
Onet Kobieta (in Polish)
Creative Boom
Bird in Flight (in Russian)
Hessischer Rundfunk (in German)
Book Riot
Tages-Anzeiger (in German)
Brigitte.de (in German)
Globalist (in Italian)
The Fine Print
Heroine (in Czech)
Eikon #119 (in German)
The Luupe —Fifty-Seven Photography Books That Made Us See Differently in 2022